How it
all began

EyeCan originated in 2019 at the Holon Institute of Technology's Department of Industrial Design by Tomer Etinger and Amit Fisher. They focused on "inclusive design" during a Leonardo da Vinci-centered exercise, creating water-related products for diverse populations.

The project was inspired by the challenges faced by visually impaired pool swimmers and the elderly in sports. In 2022, EyeCan Tech was established with support from the Israel Paralympic Committee. This partnership strengthened their commitment to developing innovative solutions for accessibility and inclusion in sports.

Our Team

Amit Fisher

Co-founder & CEO

Industrial Designer &Former professional swimmer

Tomer Etinger

Co-founder & CPO

Industrial & UX/UI designer focused on accessibility

Omri Saporta


Electrical Engineer specialized in complex systems

Boaz Hashavia


Business development manager with 30 years of experience

Dr. Osnat Fliess Douer

Advisory Board

Director of Science, Technology and Innovation, Israel Paralympic Committee

Ziv Better

Advisory Board

Consultant and medalist Paralympic swimmer